So from starting out from not knowing how to draw porch beams to doing some of the jobs we’re doing now…
I’d say that’s pretty good progress..
Don’t you think? I think you did pretty good Ralph. So, when I first got started in this business it was around 2005, I started out working designing house plans, I always knew. I wanted to know how to design the blueprints. So when I did transition over to being a builder, I would know exactly how the plans are to be designed using computer-aided design software and it helped to speed up my learning curve.
I remember the one thing from that experience. It was when I was first learning to draw blueprints, I had missed up on one of those jobs I was drawing … I didn’t draw the detail of the porch beam quite right, so the guy I was working for at the time had the builder to come in to review the plans…. I was a draftsman back then and had to builder come in and was looking over to plan and of course I had gotten licensed by then….
But you know it’s totally green…
I hadn’t got my first project and I will never forget it because it was something that was used as a means to mock or make fun of the fact that you know.. Here’s a Builder that’s licensed but yet… Don’t know how to draw a porch beam correctly, I have come a long ways and everybody has a start from somewhere. Remember this. Just because you’re not where you’re ultimately going to be don’t let it stop you from going through all. All the struggles that it’s going to take sometimes. Its ridicule sometimes. It’s people making fun of you have a game plan to have a strategy look for the end result and know that you have to go through that in order to get the education. The experience that’s going to lead you down. The path it comes with the territory glad. I went through it’s helped me get to where I am today.